Use "human genome project|human genome project" in a sentence

1. The Human Genome Project, or a Mars Rover mission.

2. So that begs the question: Who is the Human Genome Project actually for?

3. In 1986 he was among the scientists who launched the Human Genome Project.

4. The year Venter sequenced the human genome.

5. I offer insight gained from the fire ant genome project.

6. The human genome bears witness to this process, too.

7. These Anchorings used the Hg15 draft of the Human genome

8. A Catalase that is encoded in the genome of human

9. To date, 44 Chemokines and 23 chemokine receptors have been identified in the human genome

10. There might also be mistaken matches with the many duplicated regions of the human genome.

11. The recent success in mapping the entire human genome has given such aspirations new impetus.

12. Venter defied his critics and deciphered the human genome with startling speed about eight years ago.

13. 28 To reduce that disparity, Mars helped fund a project to sequence the genome of the cacao tree.

14. Abundancy of polymorphic CGG repeats in the human genome suggest a broad involvement in neurological disease

15. Scientists estimate that 3 percent of the human genome can be traced back to retrovirus infections.

16. Once the entire human genome has been mapped and sequenced it will become amenable to manipulation.

17. Finally, I discuss an approach undertaken in a follow-up project based on the fire ant genome sequence.

18. TIGR, now renamed the J. Craig Venter Institute, is currently spearheading a project on the A. flavus genome.

19. Sixth, talents market project, developing human resources diversely .

20. For example, human body contains 46 chromosomes within its genome and 44 chromosomes of them are Autosomes

21. 16 Hubbard agrees that it ought to be possible to overlay the mouse on the human genome.

22. The Chromosome image below is the online version of Chromosome 1 depicted on the Human Genome Landmarks poster

23. The Human Genome Analysis programme (HGAP) was part of the Second Framework Programme for research and technological demonstration.

24. Around 42% of the human genome is made up of retrotransposons, while DNA transposons account for about 2–3%.

25. 12 Human Genome Sciences gain boosted shares of other biotechnology companies, many of which are based in southern Maryland.

26. Many genes encoding KRAB-Containing proteins are arranged in clusters in the human genome, with one cluster close to chromos …

27. is part of Nextstrain, an open-source project to harness the scientific and public health potential of pathogen genome data

28. Complete and Circularized Genome Assembly of a Human Isolate of Vibrio navarrensis Biotype pommerensis with MiSeq and MinION Sequence Data

29. The correlation existing between the biochemical and the cytogenetic findings shows that the amount of rDNA in the human genome is not primarily a function of the number of acrocentric chromosomes, but depends on the individual combination of the variant NORs occurring in the human genome.

30. Aspergillus Ambiguus CBS 117.58 was sequenced as a part of the Aspergillus whole-genus sequencing project - a project dedicated to performing whole-genome sequencing of all members of the Aspergillus genus

31. The publication of the research may puzzle those who thought that the race to the human genome was over last June.

32. Mapping the Caprine Genome is the genome database of goat provided French Biotechnology Laboratory.

33. Cancer Genome Interpreter Annotates the biological and clinical relevance of tumor alterations Genome Med

34. At Crispr Biotech Engineering (CBE), we are an award-winning early-stage genome editing company that’s 100% committed to improving human life

35. The human genome has a cluster of several Amylase genes that are expressed at high levels in either salivary gland or pancreas

36. Key words: wheat, allopolyploidy, genome evolution, chromosome- or genome-specific sequences, sequence elimination, homoeologous chromosome differentiation.

37. Tc Bovines have genome knockouts of bovine Ig genes and carry a human artificial chromosome (HAC) composed of the entire germline loci of human Ig heavy chain and κ light chain

38. How to Circularize genome assemblies

39. An Overview of Genome Anatomies

40. Oleracea (C genome) versus Brassica rapa (A genome), we concluded that Bot1 has encountered several rounds of amplification in the oleracea genome only, and has played a major role in the recent rapa and oleracea genome divergence.

41. The plant has a single 'haploid' genome, rather than a double genome from male and female parents.

42. Since then, cats, deer, dogs, horses, mules, rabbits and other mammals have all been Cloned, according to the National Human Genome Research Institute

43. For instance, in the human body, 46 chromosomes are present within a genome, and in which 44 of them are known as Autosomes

44. Belaboured A project of the Canadian University Press and Journalists for Human Rights

45. Glycine spp., allopolyploidy, chromosome pairing, genome.

46. In this regard, we present bioinformatic analyses that show: (i) aspecific, spurious Annealings of the available primers in multiple homologous sites of the human genome; (ii) strict homologies between whole XMRV genome and interspersed repetitive elements widespread in mammalian genomes

47. The haploid human genome (23 chromosomes) is estimated to be about 3.2 billion bases long and to contain 20,000–25,000 distinct protein-coding genes.

48. Experiment has shown that fused hybrid cells retain the mouse genome , or genetic materials , to which a few human chromosomes are added at random .

49. Lojban (pronounced (listen)) is a constructed, syntactically unambiguous human language, succeeding the Loglan project.

50. Genome sequence alignment apparatus and method

51. Administration (project management, contracts, human resources, budget) (In progress; finish date 31 December 2018)

52. The Actant mapping canvases can help you map all of the human and non-human stakeholders of your project, product, or service

53. So we've teamed up with the decoder of the human genome, Craig Venter, and the company he founded with Peter Diamandis, the founder of the X Prize, to genetically modify the pig genome so that the pig's organs will not be rejected by the human body and thereby to create an unlimited supply of transplantable organs.

54. Genome size varies greatly between species.

55. A tool to Circularize genome assemblies

56. A genome mainly consists of Autosomes

57. And now, we've mapped its genome.

58. The Axolotl genome assembly created by Dr

59. Wild type and deleted mitochondrial genome maps.

60. Abasic sites represent the most frequent DNA lesions in the genome that have high mutagenic potential and lead to mutations commonly found in human cancers

61. Concerned to safeguard human rights in the Member States, the Council of Europe gave precise indications at Oviedo: a ban on any form of discrimination based on genetic inheritance; a ban on interventions on the human genome that go beyond therapeutic purposes; an absolute ban on changing the hereditary genome; and a ban on choosing a baby' s sex.

62. Alga (ALgorithm for Genome Assembly) is a genome-scale de novo sequence assembler based on the overlap graph approach

63. An absolute basic income, this is a project for more freedom, democracy and human dignity.

64. We describe a new computer system, called ArachnE, for assembling genome sequence using paired-end whole-genome shotgun reads

65. Approved: Bioinformatics adjective Referring to a gene symbol, gene name, allele symbol, allele name, protein, enzyme, organism, etc., which has been accepted as a standard term by the Mouse Genome Informatics (MGI), Human Genome Organisation (HUGO), UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, or any other formal nomenclature committee.

66. That means each somatic cell of the plant contains two complete genome copies (diploid) and each genome has ten chromosomes.

67. Therefore, functional genome systematics comes into forth.

68. Hi, are there any tools which can Circularize genome PacBio assemblies/reads? I have an assembly identify circular RNA without reference genome

69. Mapping the human genome was the first step in unraveling the secrets of genetics, and today the pinnacle of that research is what's known as Crispr technology

70. Dr Venter himself is a pioneer of DNA research, and led one of the two scientific teams that managed to sequence the human genome by June 2000.

71. The genome would fill 428 of such volumes.

72. The genome codes for 40 to 415 proteins.

73. Genome: the genetic complement of a living organism.

74. The number of Cage tags mapped at specific locations in the genome provides quantification on promoter activities on a genome-wide scale.

75. A genome primarily contains Autosomes in large numbers

76. Key words: genome, meiosis, autoploid, alloploid, homology, homoeology.

77. Here's an image of your classic genome sequencer.

78. Project researchers used Drosophila models expressing human Ab to model Ab aggregation and analyse its toxic effect.

79. He was president of the human rights organization Frente Escambray and activist supporter of the Varela project.

80. "The landscape of the human gut is truly terra incognita, " says Jeffrey Gordon, a genome scientist at Washington University in St. Louis whose research team is spearheading this effort.